Songs of Life, Songs of Mourning, a performance directed by Émilie Monnet, was part of a bigger project: a unique creative collaboration between Ingoma Nshya – Ingoma Nshya – Women’s Initiatives, the first group of Rwandan women drummers, and Odaya, a group of Aboriginal singers in Montreal.
Through this artistic collaboration, the vision of Songs of Life, Songs of Mourning was to reflect on the imprints of genocide upon Aboriginal and Rwandan peoples as well as celebrate the role that art plays in individual and collective mourning. The theme of mourning was central, considering the ravages of Colonialism and its pervasive presence in Canada and Rwanda.
A youth artistic exchange was also an integral part of this project. Shining Star – a group of Atikamekw teenage girls singers from Wemotaci – and Ihozo – a traditional Rwandan Youth dance group – presented the results of their creative collaboration as part of the performance.
Unfortunately the members of Ingoma Nshya did not obtain their entry visa to Canada and were unable to take part in the artistic exchange. The traditional Rwandan music group Komezinganzo replaced them for the public presentation.
A co-production with Engrenage Noir/LEVIER
Co-direction of project: Devora Newmark & Émilie Monnet Coordination of project: Amélie Girard Artistic director: Émilie Monnet Performers: Odaya (Nahka Bertrand, Lisa Gagné, Émilie Monnet, Kim Picard, Anik Sioui); Komezinganzo (Vincent Nsengiyumva, Muteteri Dinalizadi, Roselyne Kabonda, Jean-Claude Shumbusho); Shining Star (Wyona Néashish, Marie-Ange Newashish, Leah Basile Petiquay); Ihozo (Delphine Dusabe, Carine Munezero, Nicole Uwimana, Martine Uwineza) Technical director & sound: Éric Brassard Lighting designer: Alexandre Péloquin Sound designer: Andrea-Jane Cornell Set designer: Joannie d’Amour Voice coach & musical arrangements: Kathy Kennedy Costumes: Kim Picard, Swaneige Bertrand & Sylvie Thisselmagan Accessories: Sylvie Thisselmagan
Songs of Life, Songs of Mourning was presented at the Maison de la Culture Frontenac on May 6, 2012. It was created in collaboration with Odaya.